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  • Create your games and experiences anywhere on Earth
  • Game templates to get you started: flight simulator, driving, action RPG, survival, FPS…
  • Edit the world: modify terrain, forests, add roads and buildings Script in LUA - code in C++
  • Sell your assets and games in the Airland Store
  • Closed alpha june 2023
  • Explore the entire planet, fly, drive, survive, fight
  • Meet people, join groups
  • Create your avatars
  • Large scale multiplayer
  • Buy skins, vehicles, experiences and full games using Airland Dollars
  • Release date 2024
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About Airland Studios

Airland Studios is a game and simulations studio developing realistic vehicle simulations and sandbox creation tools for games and professional use. Beginning life as a developer of helicopter flight dynamics and mods for flight simulators, the studio is now supporting other creators with its Airland World platform, which will be available in 2024.

About WildRealm Inc.

WildRealm Inc. provides a single global simulation environment for professional simulations and gaming. WildRealm is a reconstructed 3D world, from space to a blade of grass, enhanced by procedural rules and rendered with Unreal Engine 5. WildRealm offers global multiplayer support, high precision collision and physics, real-time terrain deformations, high-resolution inset support, and world customization with UE Editor.


About the Sandbox project

Airland World is the convergence of technologies that have been in development for several years, mostly for the professional simulation industry, that will be made available to gamers and creators as a free to play and easy to use sandbox. The team is currently made of 8 very experienced developers as we are creating the core functionalities for the Sandbox, as well as Airland Helicopters, which will be our prototype game built on the Sandbox.

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Airland Helicopters

The game is inspired by the popular Code 1 TV Series and the Search and Rescue 4 videogame. As a rescue pilot you will have to perform a number of rescue missions of growing difficulty, and different weather conditions, across New Zealand diverse and challenging landscape. This game showcases most of Airland World technologies, the game map is the entire country of New Zealand, a 1600 x 400 km playground, you will be able to walk, drive and fly across the island to perform several rescue missions in single or multiplayer. The game will have arcade and simulation level play modes, and can be expanded through a DLC system to cover other vehicles and areas of the world.